SFSB SUPPLIES FLANGES, FITTINGS & PIPES TO THE CHEMICAL, PETROCHEMICAL, OIL AND GAS INDUSTRIES, THE OFFSHORE, VESSEL BUILDERS, PIPING CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERING AS WELL AS COMPONENTS FOR POWER GENERATORS AND NAVAL CONSTRUCTIONS. Furthermore, we are an experienced partner for customized production solutions, in the field of atypical flanges, rings and special forged components. As your…

Lubo Lubrication

Lubo Lubrication   Lubo Lubricant , the ultimate substitute for traditional lubricants & paste Applications Main advantages Lubo Lubricant Lubo Lubricant can be applied to every stainless steel fasteners. Examples: bolts, threaded rods, hydraulic fixtures, etc. After Lubo Lubrication is applied to threaded products it remains in a fixed, dry state. Upon friction by fastening…

Lokrite Backup Wrench

LOKRITE wrenches: These are used instead of the backup wrenches. They are magnetic and much lighter in weight. Lokrite Safety backup systems With the backup wrenches of the Lokrite Safety Backup Systems, you are assured of a safe way to prevent rotation. The backup wrenches of the Lokrite Safety Backup Systems are available in several…